This is a busy week around here--It's Maya's Tech Week for Nutcracker. More about that in another post. Tuesday night was their NYU Chorus Concert. It was lovely! Festive and cozy and just wonderful. We've been a part of the chorus for several years now so the kids really know that scene and are comfortable with the show. This was the first year Simon sat with us in the audience for almost the whole thing--he was really great--clapped between groups and watched and listened. Six groups perform in all, so the kids only do a few songs, but it's also really fun to see the other groups sing. That top photo is him in the subway station on the way home.

Jonah is one of the kids in the front holding up a sign for the dreidel song. We were sitting at a really bad angle (so we could make a quick exit with Simon if necessary), so we don't have any great pictures of the whole group. Or Maya, for that matter.

Here are Maya and Jonah after the show--something funky happening with the camera, but at least you see their shiny little faces.
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