Sunday, April 1, 2007

Cape Caneveral

Last Sunday, as our last official weekend outing in Florida, we drove the 2 1/2 hours south down the coast and went to Cape Canaveral. I had lived there as a 3 year old for 6 months while my dad was there working on the Mariner Venus Mercury program when he worked for Boeing. Of course, I don't remember anything about that trip except for vague memories of piles of shrimp (that I apparently adored) and walking around the swimming pool at our apartment complex.
Anyways, it was an amazing outing...there were several films, including IMAX movies, mostly that focused on the moon landings and the international space station. The films were spread out among several different facilities and part of the tour included being bused to different buildings so we could see where they are working on the space station, where shuttles are stored, maintained and launched. We were surprised to find ourselves moved to tears several times--the films did a great job of recreating the tension in those crucial moments where something goes wrong with the shuttles and also the awe of accomplishment at succeeding at landing on the moon, not to mention the shattering devastation at some of the defeats experienced by the space program. There were also things the kids enjoyed--space playgrounds to climb on, a show for kids, and an interactive museum where there were virtual reality rides and all sorts of things they could touch, try on and experience. If you are anywhere near Orlando, we highly recommend Cape Canaveral as a family outing--and they even have free kennels for your dog. :)

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