Wednesday, September 29, 2010

School Report

History--Story of the World Volume I--Ancient Times
Math--Singapore 5A and 3B
Writing--Writing With Ease 3 and Writing Strands 3
Science--Biology, Anatomy and Botany--mostly experiments right now, involving things like carnations and celery. Plus Maya has a science class with 5 other girls and a tutor once a week.
Spelling--Spelling Workout F and D
Geography--The Geography Coloring Book
Handwriting--Zaner Bloser 5 and 3
Latin--Latin for Children
French--private tutor
Spanish--private tutor
Logic--Mind Benders, Red Herrings
Grammar--Voyages in English and First Language Lessons
P.E.--baseball, soccer, swimming, ballet, gymnastics
Music--NYU Chorus, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, violin lessons
Art--Not quite figured out yet

A lot of homeschoolers report on all the texts they use. I've never done it before in this forum. But as September comes to a close, I'm reflecting back on our back to school time. All things considered, we are getting a lot of work done around here. I must confess, we've barely started Latin, have no plan for Art and Writing is lagging. But despite juggling Toddler Monster, my big kids are plugging right along. We are doing History together this year, and I can't believe I ever tried to keep up with two different periods in history. That was insanity. We are on Ancient Egypt right now--I'm trying to decide whether or not to attempt a chicken mummy again? We've had one field trip so far--to the fire museum at Rockefeller Center. One more happens in a week, to the Met for Ancient Egyptian Art, which will work nicely with our current history progression. As always, our emphasis is still on group classes and playtime with friends, which we pretty much do every day. But we're still managing to stay on top of most of the academic work as well.
It's still been hot. Even when it rains. Hot rain. I'm not saying I'm eager for winter, but I can't even remember a time when the subway platforms didn't feel like 97 degrees. Even if you wear a jacket on the street, you walk down those subway stairs and it's all you can do not to tear off your pants once they start sticking to your legs with sweat.
The city is empty of kids during the day now--everyone is back in school, and us homeschoolers--we can reclaim the playgrounds and libraries. Probably the single greatest benefit to homeschooling--maybe 2 hours of class then 2 hours in the playground with a big group of kids. It is a perfect ratio for little people.
Grateful for the opportunity to homeschool my kids.


cool mum said...

just found your blog by searching for kids like mine who like salad! ha interesting that you're an nyc homeschooling mom too! i'm peeking in to see my future. this is my first year homeschooling my 3 y/o.

cool mum said...

you're an nyc homeschooling mom too!?