Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Walking everywhere
Hearing multiple languages spoken everyday
Feeling like I live in the middle of all this energy
Central Park
The carts on every corner selling snacks and produce
Old buildings with great architecture
Being able to walk outside at any hour and find shops open
The lights
Getting rid of excess "cargo"
The action
Not owning a car

Dog poop on sidewalks and exhaust grime on everything
Cold outside--Hot inside--Can't seem to get the layers right
Cramming into a ridiculously small space
Expensive rent prices
Old money haughtiness

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hello Kristin, I just wanted to say hang in there! Your situation is reminding me of birth. Remember how transition can sometimes be the most difficult part? And then you start to push and that may feel better. And then before you know it, you have birthed this new being and you can't even remember the transition all that much. I think your in transition right now. It will get better. good luck in your search for the tools.