Saturday, April 7, 2007


Ever read David Sedaris? Can't get the story out of my head where he is taking French and struggling valiantly to discuss the concept of Easter with French classmates from other countries (and other religions)...It is one of the funniest things I have ever read. Just thinking about it still makes me laugh. I think it is in the book Me Talk Pretty One Day (essay called Jesus Shaves, maybe?). Anyone who knows the feeling of trying to discuss something in a foreign language with inadequate vocabulary, thereby requiring gross work-arounds using the few relevant words you *do* know will be able to relate.
But, I digress.
We colored eggs today. The kids are big enough to do most of it themselves. Feels like the first time where I didn't do it all and they really enjoyed their creations. :) They are so excited about the Easter Bunny--I hope they aren't crushed when they realize the Easter Bunny failed, (due to general life chaos, lack of personal time without said children attached at hip and the absence of any closet that kids do not snoop in on a regular basis), to acquire Easter grass and plastic eggs. How to explain to them that by the time The Bunny wandered out to go shopping, Banana Republic, the Origins store, Godiva and Barnes and Noble suddenly seemed more pressing than walking a few extra blocks out of the way to check yet another drugstore for the dregs of their Easter Collection (which might still, at this late hour include grass and plastic).
Anyways, The Bunny, always clever with backup plans to cover foiled shopping attempts, managed to find some good stuff to make up for the failings. Thanks to Ken and Elly for the Easter grass and plastic eggs--I didn't realize how much these particular items represented the whole holiday to our kids, so if they are disappointed in their baskets at least I can remind them that they already had the chance to spread grass throughout the apartment and hide their treasures in the plastic eggs for the past week!
Other than the eggs, our other big outing for the day was to go to the library and get our library cards. We are so stokked to have a fresh collection of books and a tremendous capacity on our cards (compared to what we have been used to).
Tomorrow we plan to go back to the new apartment and try to make some progress. We feel stuck--no tools, still large garbage items waiting their turn to be thrown away, some big things we need to sell, beds can't be put together yet and no kitchen things. It kind of feels like just stirring around a mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Me Talk Pretty One Day! I don't remember much, but I remember that I enjoyed it thoroughly and my parents would laugh at me when I would giggle from the back seat due to a book of all things.

So excited to see you all! And if you still have a mess when I get there, I love unpacking things and would so love to help!
