Friday, March 30, 2007

Back in NYC

Well, it was a hectic travel day yesterday...but here we are.

There were gusty winds in Newark, so we had to circle in a holding pattern for about 2 extra hours over the time we hooked up with our luggage and taxi (who had gotten stuck in traffic), we were very late picking up our dog, who already had arrived a couple hours before us. Unfortunately he showed his stress by having diarrhea all over the inside of his crate. What a lovely little project for us to undertake with starving kids and a ticking taxi meter and hardly any cleaning supplies. I won't give you the gory details. The only taxi that fits us, by the way, with our dog crate and 4 people and all those suitcases, is a minivan with the middle seat taken out, so we had called ahead the day before to arrange this.

Earlier in the day, our relocation guys called to say that they had unexpectedly found us a place on the Upper West Side, so we were thrilled to have that last minute change. The thing that put it in our price range is that fact that it is a 5th story walk-up (which means no elevator). It took Brett and I some serious exertion to haul all our bags and the dog crate up here! The location is great, though, we are about 1 1/2 blocks from Central Park on 86th. There are lots of restaurants and shops and the subway within short walking distance.

While we really miss the sunshine and the laid back pace of Jacksonville, not to mention the free parking and the ease of getting around, we are excited to be back. Notice the photos are working again, turns out it was the proxy server that allowed our internet connection in Jacksonville that didn't permit attachments...this was fixed by the computer tech guy that hooked us up to DSL in this apartment this morning. Yay! I am so excited to post some of our other recent Florida outings. But for now, we are heading out to lunch.

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