Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have written so many blog posts in my thoughts are on the city, on books I've been reading, on families and education and children and prejudice. There's money and history and politics. There is our housing dilemma (as in where in the heck are we going to settle?)
But the reality of it all is that my days are so deliciously full that I never seem to find time to write about it.
I don't have a solution tonight. But as I sit here with my big girl and her friend who is sleeping over, I just thought I would tell you, internet, that I'm here.
Jonah snuck off to bed, and the girls are watching Howl's Moving Castle, a beautifully illustrated Miyazaki film. I really love how Japanese films reflect the cultural acceptance of spirits and supernatural in a way that is really different from the American take on such things.
Brett has to wake up at 4:30 am to start a new field job in New Jersey. I hope we aren't keeping him awake! This sleepover snuck up on us--Lexi is leaving for the summer in a week and a half, and we'll really miss their family while they are gone.
Today was the Annie Reunion picnic on the Great Hill. We now have video of Maya's show. Let me know if you would like to see it--I am thinking of sending a copy around to friends
then maybe have you mail it along to someone else who is interested.
In other news, Maya auditioned and was accepted to be in the Metropolitan Opera Children's Choir. It looks like an amazing program (and free), and will start in the fall, with 2 times a week practices. Eventually, she will be able to audition (and get paid) to participate in any operas that use children. The audition process was very intimidating--8 kids, 7 parents in two rows, the very nice choir director at the piano, playing notes that they had to match in front of the group--then 2 notes and they had to sing the bottom one, then 3 notes and they had to match the middle one. Also they had to sing "Happy Birthday" in 3 different keys. Maya did great, and she has a lot of friends in the program, so except for the fact that I will have to clone myself to get her in one place and Jonah in another at the same time, I'm thrilled she gets to do it.

Simon started the No Phase. Whatever you ask him, he says, "No!" with feeling and enthusiasm. It would be funny if it weren't so annoying. In between, however, he is so sweet and funny, and I totally forgive him for it. Today he and his friend J.J. wandered off by himself and played in the woods together. It was really cute. Simon likes to clean things with Q-tips, vacuum, wipe off the toilet seat, make phone calls and help with the cooking. He can count to 10 and knows his colors and he likes to do "math" in the big kids' old workbooks! He also is really into shrieking and running up and down the hallway, and sometimes he writes on the walls and he still puts things in the recycle bins for no apparent reason. When we go shopping, he loads all sorts of things into the cart while I'm not looking and he insists on swiping credit cards and metro cards when we pay or pass through the turnstiles.

It is supposed to be hot tomorrow...and the kids have their science fair. A heat transfer experiment for Maya and all about rocks for Jonah.

Off to bed!

OK, sleepiness is overtaking. Off to bed. I am going to try and write more in the near future. I'm hoping for more focus and less rambling, generic updates.


Kimberly Manning said...

Please please send aunt Kimberly the video of Maya's Annie! We would love to see it at our house. If it was available, I'd add it to our Netflix queue and send it to position #1!

Kristin & Brett said...

OK Sissor, you'll be first in line.