Friday, March 16, 2007

A friend!

I am alone in our hotel room, for maybe the first time since we have been here. It is so lovely and quiet. Banchi is in his crate drying off--we finally surrendered to the pond outside, even though it is a strange color (chemicals? anti-alligator powder? raw sewage? turtle droppings? we aren't sure) and he has been swimming a lot. Brett is still at work--he came home briefly to shift gears from diving to office work, but he is off again. And Maya and Jonah are down the hall, in the room of Jorge, their new friend, who is 7 and is here visiting from Mexicali with his mom and dad.
Our communications are somewhat limited, the dad speaks fluent English, but he is away working all day, and his mom speaks better English than my Spanish. The kids, they don't seem to mind that they can't really chat--they are having fun playing. Jonah and Jorge like to race around the pond, and they do craft projects, play playmobiles or cars, and right now they are watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Jorge begged his mom to let them watch in Spanish, but she told him firmly No...Jonah copies the tempo and general sound of Jorge's Spanish, and it cracks both us Mamas up, because he doesn't speak more than a few words of Spanish, but from a distance it sounds just like fluent Spanish! It is really funny. Jonah is a great imitator, which has its drawbacks, like when he says "Hey Monkey Boy! This is my impersonation of youuuuu (kissing sounds), butt kisser!" from the Monk-E-Mail website. Click on the "pre-recorded" then on Butt Kisser, and you will see what I mean. Jonah has this down. Unfortunately, Brett and I think it is really funny, so we have reinforced it by laughing and now it is one of Jonah's favorite (inappropriate) ways to make us laugh.
Anyways, we decided not to take off for Orlando until this evening--Brett is swamped with work and we will just wait until after the traffic quiets down, that way maybe he won't have to work all weekend.

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